
I’ve published articles on the economy in Scotland, largely during 2013-14.

While narrowly focusing on the strength and diversity of the country’s economy – in response to counter-claims at the time – the information also highlights the resources and skills available to confront inequality.

Wealth and economic production

10 key economic facts that prove Scotland would be a wealthy independent nation

10 economic benefits for a wealthier independent Scotland

Leading think-tank: An independent Scotland would have been £148 billion better off

Westminster charges Scotland billions of pounds in service costs

Scotland’s £100 billion of exports provide the foundation for a wealthy independent country

£13 billion food and drink sector is key to Scotland’s wealth

5 reasons why an independent Scotland would be one of the world’s wealthiest nations 

Scotland’s £3.5 billion independence dividend


How Scotland is powering the renewables revolution

How an independent Scotland can become one of the richest energy nations in the world

Energy and consumers: Scottish independence offers a renewable and sustainable future

10 facts about Scotland’s oil and independence

Clair Ridge and Scotland’s new oil boom

Limits of devolution

Explaining the limited tax powers in the Scotland Act 2012

Analysing the economic limits of further devolution

Independent EU membership

Evidence on Scottish EU membership written for Holyrood’s Economy Committee

Businesses in Scotland

Scotland has a strong private business sector


Independence can create more manufacturing jobs


Positive migration can generate £65.3 billion bonus for Scotland


Welcoming the world: Scotland’s vibrant tourism sector

Social security

Explaining Scotland’s social security spending

A No vote will create further waste and distress for social services

Housing market

Westminster warnings on housing market are too little too late

Gender equality and the economy

Gender equality can increase prosperity in an independent Scotland

Scotland’s economy and the UK asset register

Independence will generate a £109,000,000,000 asset windfall for Scotland


Independence offers environmental opportunities

Land reform

7 lessons from the Isle of Eigg for an independent Scotland

Military in Scotland

12 facts about the military in Scotland and the UK

The Arctic

A northern frontier: Arctic prosperity for independent Scotland